Monday, 25 July 2011

Moshi Moshi Peeps (Part 3...Ear Stretchings, PS3 Gaming and Misc Pictures)

Ohayou Gozaimasu!!

Oh how depressing Mondays know what I'm talking about...the start of a new week of work...I envy folks that enjoy what they do for a living!!

Anyway Part 3 of my epic blog catch up.

I finally got around to expanding my ear stretching, since I hadn't since late February!! And in the space of 2 weeks went up two sizes.

Over the past month I really have abused my PS3...Treated myself to a couple of new games!! inFamous 2 was a blast and now I am finally getting around to playing Mass Effect 2 and OMFG its awesome...almost like the game developers made the game of my dreams!!

The rest of my month was a bit of a blur of nonsense and now the counting down to new tattoo time, my 30th birthday and Decembers city break to Berlin :)

Before I go here are some misc pictures.

Me at a BBQ recently

A collection of me and my girl

Me Myself and I

And finally a picture of me and cozi by the talented WakentheDead Photography