Tuesday, 3 May 2011

There is Something About Insomnia and Manga!!

There is something about Manga and insomnia that go hand in hand in my world!!

Now I must firstly intimate that I have a love hate relationship with sleep..when we are "friendly" I average about 5hours sleep comfortably...however...when we are "less than friendly" with each other I can have as little as 1hours real sleep!! I have had this for many years and just tend to go with it as opposed to the angry sighing staring at the clock every half hour approach that some novice insomniacs suffer.

For as long as I have had sleep depravation, I have watched and loved Manga!!

So tonight, as I struggle to find the sandman's solace, I have defaulted to Manga...Samurai 7 to be exact!!

And if it keeps up all week I might get through Ninja Scroll!!

Hope you all have sweet dreams!!

Much Love

FrEaK xXx

Location:Alma St,Falkirk,United Kingdom