I must admit I'm a little lost today..aimless and feeling without a purpose!! As I type this blog I sit at my work desk with a strong coffee and the awesomely crazy tunes of FACT blaring out my iPhone headphones!!
A few things are currently swirling like a whirlpool in my head..
Firstly the currently situation in Japan...To say I am a Japan-Fan is probably the biggest understatement EVER!! Having been a keen lover of much of the Japanese culture to make its way to the west and having visited Tokyo in December 2008 (and subsequently arranging to honeymoon there in 2012) my heart is broken that this deeply respectful and honest people have suffered at the hands of one of the worst earthquakes in modern history and the fallout tsunami that was a byproduct. Having donated money to the Red Cross Japan Tsunami Appeal over the weekend I urge you to give what you can to aid.
Second on my mind is the upcoming Scottish Tattoo Convention..my second ever convention and this one if purely to support this convention so Scotland see's many more in the future. Held at the Corn Exchange in Edinburgh on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th of March, I can only hope for a good turn out and a successful show.
Thirdly it is one month till North Lakes Tattoo Convention and I still haven't secured an artist for another tattoo there...stress levels are at a all time high as I like to have these things sorted well in advance!!
On the PS3 front...I'm playing and greatly enjoying Command and Conquer Red Alert 3 at the moment. Crazy nonsense military warfare at its best.
How are you?? What have you been up to??
Much love
FrEaK xXx