Basically I intend to rattle through many stories all in this one make sure you're comfy...if you need to pee...GO NOW...get a cup of tea on the way back and lets catch-up :)
Things have been all go as of late and I've been up to a bit of this and that. Both my brothers recently got married and as such me and my girlfriend have been having a blast enjoying catching up with relatives and maybe partaking in a drink or 2 :p
We recently purchased a PS3...and god how I love it...I had (in my youth) been somewhat of a gamer and of late, with the lack of a gaming console, had not been interested in that scene...until now!! The machine is only 3 weeks old and already I have completed Metal Gear Solid 4 (7/10 in my opinion), Ratchet and Clank - Tools of Destruction (7/10) twice haha, Assassins Creed 2 (8/10) and am currently battling super mutants, gouls & wastelanders in the ultra epic Fallout 3 (9/10) would seem this game is sooo huge and sooo epic that already 30hours into it I'm only just over a quarter through.
Genetik Blueprint has been hard at work creating new songs, introducing two new members and taking part in photoshoots.
I have recently started work on a side endeavour called Nightscapes & Dayscrapers with a friend and have been writing synth driven alt rock songs which has proved much fun!!
Ive been to the cinema to see Inception (which i would give a 10/10) and it could be the best film I've seen in a long long time, A-team (lots of fun and a 7/10), Karate Kid (again lots of fun 7/10), Splice (didn't really float my boat 5/10), Predators (loved it 7/10) & The Sorcerer's Apprentice (6/10 not bad for what it was but a bit of a run of the mill film).
On the music front .. The new Acacia Strain album Wormwood is arguably the catchiest heavy album I've ever heard and is up there with Deftones album Diamond Eyes as potential album of the year!!
The new Soilwork album The Panic Broadcast is excellent and I'm counting down to the new Birthday Massacre album Pins & Needles as I have such a soft spot for this band.
Gigs...I'm going to see the Birthday Massacre, Crystal Castles, Level 42 & Robyn all in October...busy month!!
Finally me and my lady are going to Prague in December for a 5 day vacation...can't wait!!!
If you managed to get through all that I am proud of you!!
Until the next time
Much love
FrEaK xXx