Sunday, 25 April 2010

Nothing going on, I got a whole lot of nothing going on!!!

Well my usual, expected blog slump has sneeked back in. I, unlike others, am a creature of habbit who needs news to report to blog and won't blog for blogs-sake.

Yesterday I finally got the chance to see Kick Ass at the god did I enjoy it!! Mixtures or superheros, comedy, action and gore tied up nicly in 2 hours.

This morning I decided I need to really get my groove back.. In this instance I mean reading the mountains of books I've accumlated since my birthday last year and over Christmas!!

With this in mind I've started reading World War Z by Max Brooks his follow up to The Zombie Survival Guide.

I'll let you know how I get on with this in due course.

Until then play safe

FrEaK xXx

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