Thursday, 28 October 2010

Fallout: New Vegas

Well I succumb to temptation and bought the new Fallout game...We may have an obsession situation here!!

Duncan McLeish - Making the Wasteland what it says on the tin since 2010!!

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Long overdue update and blog!!

I am ashamed to have allowed my blogging to lapse again!!

Almost a month since the last blog is truly inexcusable!!

So what have I been up to of late?? Well first and foremost I have relocated back to the home of my childhood...this is mainly due to necessity as my girl is about to lose her job and thus living in our rented private flat is too expensive for us both.

I saw one of the best gigs of my life two weeks ago, Level 42 (i know..not what you would expect me to go to!!) were fantastic, playing with the intuitive ability you only gain from years and years of carving your craft they played flawlessly!!

Last week I saw The Birthday Massacre..once again they proved to be arguably one of the best live bands about right now!! The new material from Pins & Needles sat well with all the older material which adored their set-list.

Tattoo fever has gripped me again..this time only a small one hahaha. This Halloween I get a tattoo from a friend who has only recently taken up this profession and in that year and a half has shown the artistic styles of more seasoned tattooists. I am getting an Owls head with antlers on my left will follow.

I turned 29 on 30 September and I got wonderful presents and had a great meal with Corrinne, John & Pete.

And I think that's us up-to-date until Halloween.

Hope all is well with you.

Much love

FrEaK xXx